Victoria Forte

What do you want your riders to get/feel from your classes? 
I want my riders to feel strong and confident, and to have fun! Making the choice to take time for yourself and move your body is something you should always feel super proud of.
What keeps you motivated?
That post-workout feeling! I feel like the best version of myself after a class and it’s an incredible feeling. I'm also a new mom, so I'm extremely motivated to feel happy, healthy, and strong for my daughter and my husband. They keep me going.
But also...motivation is hard! Don't wait to feel motivated, just do it! see below ;)
Do you have a training philosophy?
Action leads to motivation - not the other way around!
Don't wait until you "feel like it". When you start taking action, motivation follows
How do you stay connected to your PODIUM community?
I love being tagged in your posts and stories on Instagram. I feel grateful that you chose to sweat with me, and the feeling of seeing our community all across Canada pushing themselves and having fun is the best! Class requests, song requests, theme requests - send them my way! You can find me at @victorialforte :)
What is your favourite artist or song to teach to? 
I love anything I can sing to! (Lyrics distract me from how hard I'm working)
What can riders look forward to when they welcome you into their home with Podium?
A good sweat, a good time, and never taking ourselves too seriously. My hope is that you finish class feeling better than you did when you started!

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